“In essence, the Hunt culture is a collection of men and women with shared values and shared work ethic all working toward common goals.”
Ray L. HuntExecutive Chairman, Hunt Consolidated, Inc.
One of the keys to long-term success for a company, especially a private, family-owned company, is a strong corporate culture – a combination of an underlying work ethic and set of values. When a critical mass of people shares a culture, they establish a foundation of common ground in which collaboration, innovation, problem-solving, and opportunities can grow.
When people join the Company, they bring with them new perspectives and ideas that help enrich and grow the Hunt culture. Guided by our Core Values, our culture is what has made Hunt a great place to work for more than nine decades and is why we actively work to preserve and cultivate it. Together, our people have created an organization much more powerful than any one individual.
A Culture of
Throughout our various areas of operations, there are many ways for employees to get involved and give back to the community.

The Hunt Volunteers organization provides a meaningful way for employees to help others in need. Volunteers donated more than 1,100 service hours in 2023 and have partnered with several nonprofit organizations to help children, women, and men in communities located in the Dallas-Fort Worth area. Hunt Volunteers participates in various projects such as the backpack drive for school children in underserved communities and bringing holiday cheer to people through the Thanksgiving Food Drive and the Angel Tree Program.

For nearly 20 years, the Hunt Cares Campaign has achieved 100% employee participation, this annual campaign is a company-wide initiative dedicated to supporting charities that serve our community. As an integral part of this campaign, the Company collaborates with the Communities Foundation of Texas to contribute to over 1,500 nonprofit organizations across the state. Employees can donate to organizations that are personally meaningful to them, with the company matching every dollar contributed.
Additionally, Hunt Cares hosts an annual eAuction and a golf tournament, with donations benefiting selected nonprofits in the Dallas-Fort Worth area. In 2023 the energy and enthusiasm of employees brought in more than $70,000 before the Company match, highlighting the profound commitment Hunt employees have to giving back to those in need.

Since 2013, employees from Peru have raised funds and provided support to individuals and families in severe poverty. The volunteering team partners with nonprofit organizations to capitalize on their expert knowledge and experience to provide the most impactful support. In 2023, employees supported organizations such as:
- Asociación de las Bienaventuranzas, which serves as a shelter for abandoned children and individuals with severe health problems.
- Cuna San José Manchay, an organization that provides elementary education and nursery services for over 200 children from one to five years old located on the coast of Peru.
- Puericultorio Juan Andres Vivanco, which provides shelter to abandoned children in the Highland communities of Peru.

In 2023 Hunt Refining supported key charitable agencies in local areas near Hunt operations. In addition, employees regularly volunteer their time, funds, and resources to charitable organizations throughout the year. This includes the Salvation Army, March of Dimes, United Way, and Read Across America.
Refinery employees also participate in the Adopt-A-School program, partnering with Oakdale Elementary School. Each year, they engage in school-led initiatives such as toy drives, demonstrating our dedication to supporting education and youth development in our community.
Employee involvement extends to events like Worlds of Work Career Expo, organized by West Alabama Works, Region 3 Workforce Development Council, and The Chamber of Commerce of West Alabama. This initiative aims to raise awareness about diverse career opportunities and address workforce needs in the region.

in Hunt Cares Campaign

The Company’s Culture Committee was founded by Hunt family members and executive leadership in 2007 to ensure that the Company’s Core Values are embedded in the day-to-day work experience. The Committee is comprised of members of the Hunt Family as well a rotating group of employees who steward and nurture the ongoing development of our company culture. Committees exist in locations across the organization and across the globe.

About the committee
The Committee provides guidance on a variety of topics, including communication initiatives/efforts, community engagement, as well as efforts to increase employee engagement, workplace interaction, collaboration efforts, and other critical corporate initiatives that help put into practice the Company’s Core Values.
Moving forward, the Culture Committee will take lessons learned and innovations made over the past few years to ensure the Company maintains, and improves, the corporate culture.
Committee member responsibilities
- Represent thoughts and concerns of all employees
- Actively seek input from fellow employees and relay to the Committee
- Discuss recent and upcoming Company events and new initiatives
- Give feedback and suggestions on a variety of items that impact Hunt employees