Hunt has evolved from its inception in 1934, but has always remained a privately held, family-owned group of companies
“The energy industry is in a fascinating moment in time because it is undergoing so much change. As both the industry and humanity continue to evolve, we firmly believe that we can positively impact both in a very meaningful way.”
Hunter HuntCEO, Hunt Energy
Each subsidiary is managed by its own leadership team, but remains aligned with our Core Values and corporate philosophies. This group of leaders provides guidance on the specific business needs, participates in the development of strategic and business planning, and is responsible for overall corporate performance.
What Makes Up Hunt?
New Energy Technologies
Executive Direction
Despite their individual fields of expertise and their roles within different subsets of the industry, the senior executive team works collaboratively, ensuring the decision-making process is comprehensive, well-informed, and balanced.
Hunt leadership regularly participates in industry forums conferences and training programs to enhance their establishment of strategic priorities, manage risks, develop teams, and keep up with the constantly changing trends of their specific sector. The leadership team is focused on constantly building on their industry knowledge, leadership capacity, and business acumen.
Hunter Hunt has led the efforts to expand the energy focus of the Hunt affiliation of companies to include the electric power industry. He established Hunt Power in 1998 to develop and invest in entrepreneurial opportunities in the electric and gas utility infrastructure industries. In 1999, he created Sharyland Utilities, L.P., as a regulated electric utility within Texas. Sharyland was the first greenfield utility created in the United States since the late 1960’s. Over the years, Hunt Power and its subsidiaries have worked closely with Sharyland Utilities on a variety of innovative projects, including: the development of the first commercial interconnection between the electrical grids of Texas and Mexico; the development and construction of approximately 300 miles of new transmission infrastructure in the Texas Panhandle and South Plains as part of the Texas Competitive Renewable Energy Zone (CREZ) process; and the creation of Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) for electric and natural gas transmission and distribution assets.
Prior to joining Hunt Consolidated, Hunt worked with the investment bank Morgan Stanley for eight years, both in corporate finance and commodity trading. He also took a leave of absence from the Hunt organization in 1999 and 2000 to work for the George W. Bush campaign for President, where he served in the Policy Group focusing on energy, taxes, and the budget.
Hunt graduated from Southern Methodist University summa cum laude, earning bachelor of science degrees with honors in both economics and political science. He serves in several capacities at SMU, including serving on the Engineering School’s Executive Board. He is also co-founder of the Hunter and Stephanie Hunt Institute of Engineering and Humanity, which focuses on bringing innovative technological and business solutions to the global poor.
Hunt also currently serves on the boards of directors of Bessemer Securities Corporation and King Ranch, Inc. His previous board memberships include the Halliburton Company and PepsiCo, Inc.
From October 2001 to January 2009 Hunt was appointed by President George W. Bush to serve on the President’s Intelligence Advisory Board in Washington, D.C.
In 1998, Hunt was appointed to the board of directors of the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas. He served as chairman of the board from 2002 to 2006.
Additionally, Hunt is a member of the National Petroleum Council, an advisory organization to the Secretary of Energy in Washington, D.C. Hunt served as its chairman from June 1991 to July 1994.
Hunt is also a member of the Texas Business Hall of Fame.
Active in civic affairs, Hunt has previously served as chairman of the board of trustees of Southern Methodist University, chairman of the Dallas Citizens Council, and chairman of the Central Dallas Association. He is currently chairman of Dallas Medical Resource and also serves on the board of trustees of the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington, D.C., and the board of trustees of The Cooper Institute in Dallas, Texas.
Hunt also serves on the board of directors of the George W. Bush Foundation in Dallas, Texas.
Hunt has received many energy industry awards, including the American Petroleum Institute Gold Medal for Distinguished Achievement, the Distinguished Service and Leadership Award of the 25-Year Club of the Petroleum Industry, the Public Service Award of the Society of Petroleum Engineers, and the Distinguished Service Award for the Texas Oil and Gas Association. Hunt has been elected an All-American Wildcatter and the Southwestern Legal Foundation gave him the John Rogers Award “for distinguished service to the petroleum industry and civic institutions.”
Other awards Hunt has received include the Dallas Regional Chamber of Commerce’s J. Erik Jonsson Award, the Woodrow Wilson Center for International Studies Award for Corporate Citizenship, the Dallas Morning News’ Linz Award, and the SMU Maguire Center for Ethics & Public Responsibility’s J. Erik Jonsson Ethics Award.
Hunt graduated from Southern Methodist University in 1965, where he was designated a University Scholar, with a degree in economics.
He was formerly chief operating officer of Hunt Oil Company, where he was responsible for the company’s worldwide operations. Prior to that he was senior vice president, Middle East Region for Hunt Oil Company, where he led the Kurdistan development efforts, Hunt’s investment in Yemen LNG and the overall Middle East Region strategic development.
Gunnin joined Hunt in 2002 and has served in various other capacities, including responsibility for the land, legal and commercial development functions.
He is a graduate of The University of Texas School of Law and Baylor University.